Why the Plan of Salvation?

Okay, I had THE most incredible experience reading my scriptures tonight.

I was reading in Jarom, which actually is becoming one of my favorite books, and I only made it 2 verses in until I had something hit me over the head. Jarom is writing and it reads, "It must needs be that I write a little;... for have not they revealed the plan of salvation? Yeah, I say unto you this sufficeth me." (Jarom 1:2). So in essence he says "ya know, I don't really know what to write. The Plan of Salvation has already been written and what else is there to say?"

I starting thinking in that instance "why is that enough for him? What does the Plan of Salvation teach us that we need so desperately today?" Oh, I can't even begin with all of the revelation that hit me. I starting making a list of the very most important simple truths that come from the Plan; such as...

1. We learn our relationship to God is not merely as his creations but rather we are literally His children

2. We learn of the Atonement of Jesus Christ and of our dependance on Him and His gift to us

3. We learn what our purpose is in life

4. We learn how to find joy and eternal joy at that

5. We feel comfort and peace in our lives as we are able to see a bit of the big picture but especially when we lose a loved one.

6. We learn what it is going to take to return Home to our Father and why we want to return.

Look at those. Six simple truths that I can't imagine where I would be without. The Plan of Salvation really does hold so many vital truths to our life here. I can now see why knowing this plan Jarom says, ya know that's really the most important.

One last really incredible thing that struck me is that not only Jarom knows how important this plan is our Father in Heaven does too. This incredible Plan is literally the center of His Holy Temples! This is the one thing he wants us to KNOW and to truly have a testimony of it. Or we wouldn't learn about it every time we walk into His House. Think about how much more knowledge we can gain has we study this plan as well. The temple is where we gain some of our greatest answers to life -- it is where we come to know our Father and how we do that is through that Great Plan. AHH! I just love this so much!

I truly love my Father in Heaven and I love that He loves us enough to let us know this Plan and to want us to know it and learn more about it daily! Yes, we don't know everything and we don't have the answer to everything, but we do know enough to make it back to Him and to live with our families forever and our  knowledge of the plan can continue to grow as we study it out and attend the temple regularly.


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