Abraham Like Sacrifices

In Mosiah 4:6-7 it talks about trusting in the Lord and what happens when we do. I thought about this and thought about how hard it is for me to trust. I don't know what it is but somewhere along the line I went from trusting anyone and everyone to trusting only a select few - and most of those included those people that I actually don't know personally. Haha. yeah, sounds pretty pathetic right? Well as I was reading about trusting in the Lord I realized why I had such a hard time truly trusting a lot of people and I believe and I know that I did trust fully at one point but that trust started to diminish once that person would do something to break my trust.

It hit me as I was realizing this our perfect our Father in Heaven really is! He would never do anything to break our trust. Yeah, sometimes we are given hard trials and some people can take that as our Father breaking our trust, but look back on all the times that you really trusted him. When he asked you to sacrifice something you thought would be impossible to sacrifice yet you still did it. Look back at that time and tell me that in the end it wasn't one of the greatest blessings you could have received at that time?

Trusting in our Father really is being willing to give our will to Him and say "okay, Heavenly Father I know you know best and how I can come home, So I'm willing to do whatever it takes." In essence it is being willing to sacrifice and really sacrifice -- not just giving Him our left over time or our left of means but giving Him our very best 100% of the time.

It reminds me of a quote one of my mission companions would share all of the time. It's a quote from Joseph Smith that says in essence "If you aren't willing to make Abraham like sacrifices you in no way are worthy of Abraham like blessings." (I'm paraphrasing of course, also I'm gonna come back and give you the correct reference once I find it haha) How true is that though?! The sacrifice that Heavenly Father asked of Abraham could look like He only wanted his son, but really He wanted Abraham's will. He wanted Abraham to see how much he truly trusted the Lord, and because of that he was blessed with those Abrahamic blessings including Exaltation and Eternal Life.

When we truly trust the Lord and give our will to Him it is then that we grow but even more importantly it is then that we become like our Savior and become more and more ready for those Abrahamic blessings, but first we have to make those Abraham like Sacrifices. TRUST the Lord. Trust that He loves you. Trust that he knows and that His plan is better than yours but that ultimately His plan will lead you home.


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