Where to Turn

I have been thinking a lot about where we as humans turn when life gets hard. Some of us may turn inwards, some may turn to addictive substances, some may try sleep away the pain, (which may or may not be my escape more frequently than I'd like to admit) but most try to do all they can to escape the long traitorous trials in anyway possible and any way that will bring that relief, we desperately want, the quickest.

I was reading this last Conference edition of the Ensign (May 2017) and I came across a talk that quickly became one of my favorites. It was given by Elder Weatherford T. Clayton entitled, Our Father's Glorious Plan. In this talk a scripture was quoted that I have thought interesting for quite some time now and I felt that it answers the question above, on where we should turn in those hard moments. The scripture talks about what our Savior did when He was faced with the hardest trial that seemed as if it may never end. "And being in an agony he [Jesus] prayed more earnestly..." (Luke 22:42) In the hardest moment of Jesus Christ live where did He turn? What did He do to relieve that pain? He turned to that one true source that never abandons us, and knows and loves us completely. He turned to His Father. He plead with the Father.

This really made me think about the power that prayer really does have. It made me think, am I really using prayer the way I should? Is it as valuable to me as it was to Christ?  If the, all-powerful and all-knowing, Savior of the World can turn to prayer in the greatest agony anyone in the entire world has ever and will ever feel and find relief -- why is it sometimes an after thought for us? Do we not see the strength that comes?

I know that Jesus Christ knows, and yearns for us to know as well, the true power that prayer holds. To know that when life seems unbearable and that we can't take one more step forward, prayer will give us the strength we need. We may not have the burden lifted, as once again we can look at Jesus Christ and see that his burden wasn't lifted, but we can we given what we need to keep going in faith relying fully upon our Savior.

What is incredible about our Savior as well is after He "[drinks] out of that bitter cup which the Father hath given [Him]" (3 Nephi 11:10-11) He glorifies the Father and gives every ounce of glory to Him. He knows that it really is only through him and his incredible plan that He could endure, the hardest trial to come upon any man. I know that is the same with us that after we conquer or trials and our own person Goliaths we can look back and say "it was all because of Him that I could do it."

As we turn to Him in those moments and rely on the power, and strength that comes through prayer and the Atonement of Jesus Christ there isn't anything we cannot overcome. So turn to Him. Trust Him. Know that we cannot do it alone and remember the greatest man to ever walked the earth, holds that title because He first relied on His Father.


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