
Showing posts from August, 2017

Abraham Like Sacrifices

In Mosiah 4:6-7 it talks about trusting in the Lord and what happens when we do. I thought about this and thought about how hard it is for me to trust. I don't know what it is but somewhere along the line I went from trusting anyone and everyone to trusting only a select few - and most of those included those people that I actually don't know personally. Haha. yeah, sounds pretty pathetic right? Well as I was reading about trusting in the Lord I realized why I had such a hard time truly trusting a lot of people and I believe and I know that I did trust fully at one point but that trust started to diminish once that person would do something to break my trust. It hit me as I was realizing this our perfect our Father in Heaven really is! He would never do anything to break our trust. Yeah, sometimes we are given hard trials and some people can take that as our Father breaking our trust, but look back on all the times that you really trusted him. When he asked you to sacrifice s

Why the Plan of Salvation?

Okay, I had THE most incredible experience reading my scriptures tonight. I was reading in Jarom, which actually is becoming one of my favorite books, and I only made it 2 verses in until I had something hit me over the head. Jarom is writing and it reads, "It must needs be that I write a little;... for have not they revealed the plan of salvation? Yeah, I say unto you this sufficeth me." (Jarom 1:2). So in essence he says "ya know, I don't really know what to write. The Plan of Salvation has already been written and what else is there to say?" I starting thinking in that instance "why is that enough for him? What does the Plan of Salvation teach us that we need so desperately today?" Oh, I can't even begin with all of the revelation that hit me. I starting making a list of the very most important simple truths that come from the Plan; such as... 1. We learn our relationship to God is not merely as his creations but rather we are literally Hi

Joy -- the Never Ending Kinda Stuff

Oh how much I love the scriptures. I love being able to read and find parts that speak to my specifically. And verses that really help me to know my Father more and to know what I can do to be better so that one day I really will be able to live with Him again. As I was reading in Jacob I was able to really feel my Father speak to me through a couple of specific verses and I wanted to kinda just jot down the thoughts and impressions that I had come to mind. The first verse is in Jacob 4:3, and what is even more incredible about this whole process is that even the seemingly little verses or the insignificant ones speak volumes. And when I really seem to study and hunger after the scriptures it is those "insignificant" verses where I feel Heavenly Father speak to me directly. BUT that being said, back to the verse(: What I really loved about this verse is it talks plainly about the scriptures and those lives that were dedicated to the writing them. They talk about how happy